Chris Partee headshot

Charles Partee

Chief Technology Officer

Charles Partee is the CTO of Syght, where he leads the research team working on advanced sensor technologies.

Prior to joining Syght, he has been a project leader and architect engineer at Fortune 50 companies like Sun Microsystems, Oracle, and HP, and has held C-level positions at 7 high-tech startups, 4 of which he founded. He has raised over $8.5 M in angel and venture funding. He has 30 issued patents, with more pending, and is the inventor of the keystone technology used in the Syght sensor. With Syght, he has received SBIR Phase I and II awards from the National Science Foundation, SBIR Phase I and II awards from the Department of Defense, and an SBIR Phase II award from the Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate.

Charlie has B.A.degrees in physics and math, an M.S.E.E from Carnegie Mellon in electrical engineering, and took 5 years of post-graduate education in solid-state physics at MIT. He lives in Golden, CO and enjoys playing ice hockey, training for triathlons, rock climbing, and hut-to-hut hiking.